My time with Kiera has been the best investment I have ever made towards ensuring my optimal health. For most of my adult life I have entrusted holistic practitioners to help me to gain/retain proper balance/wellness and while I initially contacted Kiera for acupuncture to assist me with the unfamiliar avalanche of shifting hormones that accompany menopause, I quickly discovered that Kiera was having a profound impact in my life in so many other ways. Kiera’s innate ability to perceive and treat all of my imbalances (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) coupled with her introduction of “Compassionate Inquiry,” a psychotherapeutic method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté, has transformed my life. With unconditional love and support Kiera has guided me to quickly and easily shift my perception to present moment awareness, identify and challenge those thoughts and beliefs that drive my behaviors, acknowledge my pain and discomfort as it comes up, explore my perceptions about situations I find myself tormented by, connect with body sensations and emotions in a safe space and to ultimately liberate myself from further suffering by consciously integrating emotionally painful/traumatic memories in order to transform past wounds to wellness. I am forever grateful to Kiera and the best part is that no matter where I am in the world I can continue Compassionate Inquiry sessions with Kiera online.
— Bon - Living the Pura Vida in Costa Rica
Kiera has been an invaluable therapist, guide, and mentor to me. Her knowledge in many areas of health, healing, psychology and spirituality make her unparalleled by any other therapist I’ve ever worked with. Kiera is a phenomenal listener, always remaining open, nonjudgmental and objective while directing the dialogue out of my habitual thought patterns and into a more expanded view. Her insights go right into the heart of the matter, compassionately opening the way to my own self-realization. This is truly more than psychotherapy: it is an all-encompassing path to more vibrant well-being on all levels, which can be taken as far as any individual wants to take it. I highly recommend working with Kiera. Whether your goal is to suffer less, overcome trauma and limiting patterns, integrate better nutrition and lifestyle choices, or to push your process on the spiritual path to the next level, she will be able to meet you where you’re at. I’m truly grateful to have the opportunity to work with her!
— Hadley - Artist in Vienna, Austria
Working with Kiera, I’ve experienced a gradual transformation from a tendency to disconnected fragmentation and habitual self-injury into a more embodied awareness, acceptance, and expression of myself. Kiera has helped me integrate perspectives that have empowered me in places where I felt very powerless and overwhelmed. She has also helped me release and let go in areas where I had been trying to have control over things that are ultimately not controllable. Her support has felt like a healing balm at times, and her sharp wisdom has been invaluable to me in seeing through some of the confusions and distortions that arise, with compassion every step of the way. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to continue on this path, as there are areas that we are just beginning to explore...
— Lauren - Herbalist & Mother from Boulder, CO