
On-Line Sessions

Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Mate which reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. It is a revolutionary approach that draws upon the fields of interpersonal neurobiology, epigenetics, polyvagal and social engagement theory, internal family systems, the understanding and research of trauma, the bodymind connection, and somatic practices all held by a strong and crucial emphasis in presence, safety, and compassion.

“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them …

That’s what Compassionate Inquiry is.”

~ Dr. Gabor Maté

*If you would like to learn more about Compassionate Inquiry from Gabor himself, please visit the link here.

Complete Wellness Programs

My most integrated online program which is founded in the body-mind connection principle. You will receive a specific and continually evolving program designed just for you with all the benefits that on-line sessions have to offer. Depending on your unique physical and energetic makeup, as well as your present moment situation and challenges, we will explore a combination of avenues to help you compassionately understand and heal those aspects of yourself which require attention and integration.

The foundation of this program is based on the teachings and philosophies found in the ancient non-dual wisdom traditions of Asia and the America’s, as well as modern scientific neurobiological understandings of how unconscious stored traumas express as our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances. We will facilitate a re-wiring of your nervous system and give you a deeper understanding of who you truly are by gently and compassionately exploring your unconscious core-beliefs and defense mechanisms through the inquiry process called Compassionate Inquiry taught by Dr. Gabor Mate. We will also explore a number of somatic body based practices, all proven to integrate and balance our spiritual, physical and emotional bodies. These may include a combination of acupressure point stimulation, yoga asana routines and meditation practices. You will also be given specific diet and herbal remedy recommendations, as well as daily Ayurvedic routines and principles that specifically target those elements that are in need of balance in your unique body and life. Instructions may also be given from non-dual dharmic philosophies as well as ways to re-establish your connection to nature by learning specific activities that are shown to bring about deep healing.

This program is profoundly different than most western styles of talk therapy or modern coaching techniques, allowing you to take full responsibility of your healing journey thereby facilitating a gentle uncovering of your innate wholeness and authenticity. You will create real & lasting change in your life, not only by implementing easy to follow yet profound integration techniques, but most importantly, by your inner transformation and true understanding that by exploring and embracing all aspects of your being you can find true self-acceptance, purpose and everlasting freedom.  

All on-line sessions are tailored to your unique individual desires & needs. Together we will find a program that will not only give you the results you are looking for but one in which you can easily implemented into YOUR daily life. That is my promise.



Compassionate Inquiry:


60-75 minutes

Complete Wellness Programs:


2+ hours

*Sliding Scale available for those in need. Please inquire.