+ What is Compassionate Inquiry?

Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapuetic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Mate which brings together the ancient practices of mindfullness and presence with modern scientific discoveries in nuerobiology and polyvagal theory. This approach to healing understands that all physical and emotional imblances are an expression of our unconcious belief patterns due to "traumas" (big and small) that are stored in our bodies and nervous system. To get a deeper understanding of how this apporach is used in practice, please watch this short video where you can hear Dr. Mate explain it in his own words.

+ What are Non-Dual Dharmic Therapies?

Put simply Non-Dual Dharmic Therapies are wonderful tools to help us contact and release our deeper patterns of conditioning. Classical yoga sequences (including asana, pranayama, bandha and kriya), different kinds of meditation and view training can all be used to find a greater sense of health and wholeness.

+ What is Non-Dual or Tantrik philosophy?

This is a huge topic but here is a very short and simple introduction.

Non-Dual Philosophy can be found in many religions thought the world over. From Vajriyana Buddhism, Yung Drung Bon (the original Dzogchen religion of Tibet), Chan Buddhism from China, the Zen tradition found in Japan, Native Shamanistic traditions of the Americas, pre-Christian Stav/Celtic traditions of Europe and the Kashmiri Shaivite (otherwise known as Classical Tantra) tradition from India. While these systems may use different words to describe Presence/God/Consciousness along with varying ways to realize this oneness, they all believe in the fundamental, un-created, spontaouse arising of essence that is ALL things without seperation.

Being immersed in the study, practice and teaching of non-dual philosophy for over 15 years helps me put life's challenges into a wider context which in turn brings about a deeper understanding and acceptance of our current situation thereby bringing our desires in alignment with our higher purpose so we can realize lasting change and fullfilment in our lives.

If you would like to read more about Classical Tantra, perhaps you'll enjoy an excerpt from this article written by Kashmir Shaivite teacher and lineage holder Dharma Bodhi.